Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Meditation: a primer for beginners

Meditation:- a primer for beginners

What do you think when you hear the word meditation? Mostly people think that sitting in a proper position at a peaceful place and chanting OMis meditation but it is just a way of meditate and there is whole more to it than that. Meditation can nurture your life and connect you to others and give you the real peace of present but before talk about it. There is more important to know that,what is meditation?
Meditation is also known as mindfulness which is the awareness that
Emerges through paying attention on purpose and non-judgmentally  to the unfolding of moment-to-moment experience.
In other words we can say meditation involves trying to train your thought to stay in the present moment,because in the present moment there is true peace.Sometimes thoughts of the future become the cause of anxiety and leading to fear. And sometimes some mistakes which we made in our past make us feel regret and jealous.
Meditation can become the way by which we can avoid somethings which is spoiling our present life and we might feel peace of present. So now time to talk about the first step.
Where to start?
There are literally so many different ways to meditate from transcendental to tai chi and others but most effectively,easiest and recognizable way to get start is silent seated meditation. It is very simple to start and here are some easy step to done it.
1. Find a better spot
Find a peaceful and neat spot where nothing can disturb you during meditation. If possible than put your phone on silent for avoid any type of interruption. After some time it will become become easier to meditate anywhere but it will be happen by practicing. You can use  light fragrance and soft music to get better mood during practicing.
2. Try to listen your breath   
When the air flowing in and out of your mouth than bring your attention on your breath. Try to feel  the sensations but  do not try to insist yourself to breath slowly and deep. Because this the time of observation and here you just need to give attention and feel the rhythm of breathing.
3. Practicing posture should be comfortable
Posture should be comfortable because  it will help you to observe the correct way of meditation. It will help to minimize the muscles pain and discomfort of body. If you are not seated in a comfortable posture than your back and leg can be  feel hurt after some time that is why it is most important to seat properly,
4. Feel free and transparent
Your focus should be on your breath and trying to feel your mind. Avoid the environment in which you are surrounded during meditation and make yourself totally relax. It can be bit harder in starting to focus and avoiding the environment but later it will be become easier but for that you to do practicing.

Benefits of meditation:-
There are so many benefits of meditation, some of them about health and mental health which is the crucial part of every human being. There are some social benefits also which I have mentioned following blow.
Mental health:
  •        Increases positivism
  •         Improve mood regulation
  •          Helps to treat mental disorder
  •           Helps to overcome from depression
  •           Bring mental energy

Social benefit:
  •           Increases feeling of socialism
  •           Makes cooperative
  •           Bias towards others

Health benefits
  • Reduce negative thoughts
  •  Reduce stress
  •  Reduce sign of aging
  •  Positive change in the brain
  •   Relieve migraine

Thanks for reading and for any  query,advice,suggestion drop comments in comment  in comment section.