Monday, September 10, 2018

Positivity: the way of peaceful life

A positive personality will have more an impact on your success and happiness.Now,talk about your
physical diet.Your physical diet has a large impact on your levels of health and energy.Your diet plays a crucial role in your life. If you eat fresh,healthy and avoid the foods which is bad for you,you'll get more energy,be resistant to most diseases,sleep better and feel happier.

In the same way,your mental diet determines your character and personality.When you feed your mind with positive thoughts,books,audio programs,information, conversation with positive people. You develop more positivity in yourself and you become more persuasive.The more develop positivity will increase your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Here are some ways which will help you to become a positive person. 

Positive self-talk

Don't say anything to yourself that you wouldn't say to anyone else.Be confident and encouraging yourself.If a negative thought enters your mind ,evaluate in rationally and respond with affirmations of what is good about you.Think about things your're thankful for in your life.This is how great people think most of the time.
Psychologists say that 95% of your emotions are determined by the way you talk to yourself as you go through your day.
The second fact is that if you don't deliberately and consciously talk to yourself in a positive and constructive way,you will by default think about things that make you unhappier,cause of your worry and anxiety.
Remember,your mind is like a garden.If you don't deliberately plant flowers and tends them carefully,weeds will grow.
Same as if you don't think positive thoughts then negative thoughts will grow in your mental garden effortlessly. 

Surround yourself with positive people

The people with whom you live and work have more of an impact on your emotion and your success.
May be now, some of you are thinking that how they have an impact on your emotion and success because they control your self-talk.
That's why,you should associate with positive people,with winners,with people who are happy and optimistic and who going somewhere  with their lives.

Positive mental diet

As your body need healthy nutritious food for being healthy. In the same way,your mind also need mental protein.Read positive and motivational books and articles.
Feed your mind with information and thoughts that encouraging  and that make you feel happier and confident about yourself and your world.
Did you know that every time you learn something new which can help you to improve your life,your brain release endorphins which are called nature's happy drug and you actually feel happier? 


People who meditate daily have positive thoughts then those who don't.Meditation have many benefits for health.According to research person who meditate daily continued to display increase mindfulness,purpose in life,social support and decreased illness symptoms.

Health habits which increase positivity

You are going to live to be 80 or 90 or a hundred years old or more than hundred years in a healthy way.And there is way to do this. You have to eat excellent foods,healthy and nutritious.An excellent diet will have an immediate positive effect on your thoughts and feelings.
You  have to make a habit of exercise at least 210 minutes of motion per week,that's 30 minutes per day from running,walking,swimming in a working out on equipment in the gym.
When you exercise on a regular basis.You feel  happier,healthier and experience of lower levels of stress. 

Some factors are increase negativity

  • Fatigue
  • Lake of exercise
  • Non-stop work without rest
  • Over thinking
  • Unhealthy food
Thank you for reading.Don't forget to like,share and comment for further queries, suggestions and advise drop the comment in comment section. 

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